Dr. Anthony Fauci delivers remarks during a coronavirus update briefing Thursday, April 16, 2020, at the White House.

Dr. Anthony Fauci delivers remarks during a coronavirus update briefing Thursday, April 16, 2020, at the White House.

If Americans didn’t know the name Dr. Anthony Fauci before coronavirus, they do now.

Through his straightforward, clear style on the risks and challenges of this public health crisis, he has become one of the most trusted voices on how to manage the pandemic.

For weeks, we became accustomed to seeing him in press briefings – standing behind President Trump whose message was often in conflict with his own.

As the protests over police violence have led to crowded streets, and as the economy has begun to reopen, Diane talked with Dr. Fauci about where coronavirus stands and how to contain it when people are moving quickly out of quarantine.


  • Dr. Anthony Fauci Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health
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